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  • All users must treat each other with respect. No form of harassment, discrimination, offensive language or abusive behavior will be tolerated.
  • The forum has moderators who ensure compliance with the rules. All messages will be reviewed by the moderators, who reserve the right not to publish them.
  • Users must cooperate with the forum moderators. Moderators have the authority to edit, move or delete posts and to suspend or ban members if necessary.
  • Posts and discussions should be related to the purpose of the forum. Unrelated topics may be deleted by the moderators. Messages that respond to user requests will be posted, not those that are intended solely to market products or services to users.
  • Spam, unsolicited advertising or self-promotion is not allowed.
  • Users must respect the privacy of others. Sharing of personal or confidential information is not permitted without the explicit consent of the individual.
  • Malicious content, such as malware, phishing or links to unsafe websites, is not allowed to be posted.
  • Users must comply with all applicable laws, including copyright and privacy laws. Discussion or exchange of illegal activities is not permitted.
  • If a user encounters a problem, such as inappropriate behavior or a potential security issue, they should report it to the moderators immediately.