What is ENTSO-E?
The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) is a European association that deals with the management and coordination of electricity transmission throughout Europe. It includes as members the entities that are responsible for the transportation of bulk electrical energy, at a national or regional level, known as Transmission System Operators (TSO). These entities, although they operate independently of other actors in the electricity market, have a very central role in the entire electric energy value chain. Through their infrastructure they provide network access to supply-side entities.
As an integral part of their primary function of ensuring uninterrupted power supply, TSOs are also responsible for the safe operation and maintenance of the system.
ENTSO-E Partners
ENTSO-E has 39 members from 35 European countries.
The image shows the interconnections between them.
ENTSO-E Organization
ENTSO-E is governed by an Assembly representing the 39 TSOs and by a Board composed of 12 elected members. Its structure includes a General Assembly, a Board of Directors, several committees and a dedicated secretary. The General Assembly is the highest decision-making body, all member TSOs meet to set strategic priorities and make important decisions.
The mission of ENTSO-E is to fully reflect the importance of TSOs in the electric energy value chain. ENTSO-E has essentially stated that its formal mission is to guarantee the security of the interconnected electrical system in all terms at a pan-European level and the optimal functioning and development of the European interconnected electricity markets, allowing the integration of electricity generated from renewable energies, energy sources and emerging technologies.
The specific fields in which the association is actively involved support and enhance a wide range of functional areas, including:
- Network Development: Works to develop and improve electricity grid infrastructure in Europe, support the integration of renewable energy and ensure a reliable and resilient electricity supply.
- Market Integration: Facilitates the integration of electricity markets by promoting competition and cross-border electricity trade.
- System Operation: Coordinates the operation of electricity transmission to guarantee a stable and secure supply.
- Grid Codes: Establishes and maintains grid codes that specify the technical and operational requirements for the electricity transmission system, ensuring compatibility and consistency across borders.
- Scenario development: Develop scenarios and outlooks for the European electricity system to support decision-making and long-term planning.
- Policy and regulatory coordination: Collaborate with EU institutions, national regulators and other stakeholders to provide information on policy and regulatory issues affecting the electricity sector.
- Research and innovation: Promotes research and innovation in the field of electricity transmission to drive improvements in management, efficiency and sustainability
With respect to EPES, what deserves special reference is the participation of ENTSO-E in the field of cybersecurity in the energy sector and in its capacity to represent European TSOs. ENTSO-E is one of the key contributors in the work towards the finalization of the EU Network Code on Cybersecurity (NCC), which aims to establish a European standard for the cybersecurity of cross-border electricity flows.
Latest updates on ENTSO-E
The last few months ENTSO-E registered a number of important developments and updates in the main fields that ENTSO-E is active in, and in line with its mission.
A major development happening recently has been the publishing by the EU of the first-ever Network Code on Cybersecurity for the electricity sector on May 24, 2024. This has been made possible with significant contributions from ENTSO-E, among other key European electricity sector stakeholders. This code establishes a unified standard for cybersecurity across Europe’s electricity grids, ensuring the security and reliability of cross-border electricity flows. It mandates common cybersecurity practices, including risk assessments, reporting protocols, and supply chain security measures. ENTSO-E’s role in developing this code highlights its commitment to improving the cyber resilience of Europe’s energy infrastructure.
ENTSO-E presented in July its Research, Development, and Innovation (RDI) Roadmap for 2024-2034, which outlines a strategic plan for transforming Europe’s power grid into a more sustainable and resilient system. The roadmap focuses on three RDI clusters and six missions, setting over 90 milestones aimed at modernizing the grid, integrating renewable energy sources, and enhancing grid security. This roadmap is essential in driving the European energy sector towards a carbon-neutral future, aligning with the EU’s climate and energy goals.
Finally, following a significant blackout in the south-eastern part of the Continental Europe power system in June 2024, ENTSO-E, in collaboration with ACER and regional TSOs, launched an investigation to understand the root causes. The outcomes of this investigation will inform future measures to enhance grid resilience and prevent similar incidents.
For more information about ENTSO-E´s features, objectives and organizations can be found on its website https://www.entsoe.eu/