What is ACER?
European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) is an independent agency that promotes the single European market in energy sectors such as electricity and natural gas. Acer was founded in 2011. Its main goal is to cultivate the distinct energy regulators incorporated in different nations, while ensuring that a single entity will be responsible for the market of electricity as well as gas to operate properly in Europe. Headquartered in Ljubljana, ACER is liable for facilitating the trading procedures in a cross-border manner regarding the energy sector.
ACER performs scientific tasks that move forward the implementation of policies while it supports the cooperation of the European Union with the Member States to achieve technical and specialist expertise. Furthermore, ACER’s cooperation with National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs), guarantees the unification of the energy markets and that the application of the legislation in the Member countries is happening according to the energy policy and the regulations of EU.
ACER fortifies the cybersecurity of Europe’s energy system by advising on EU legislation and rules.
Also, ACER’s leading cyber experts, collaborate with international experts (NERC,
EPRI, NARUC) to share knowledge and experience on subjects such as standards, strategy and investments. ACER also collaborates with network operators, EU Institutions and Agencies (ENISA, DG ENER, Joint Research Centre) while participating in the Commission’s expert groups in developing cyber methodologies which can be applied across Europe.
More specifically, the purpose of ACER is to establish alignment with the political lines that are set in a competitive and efficient manner, yet in the context of guaranteeing restraining the market behaviors that are not in the interest of consumers. Additionally, the green transition is being sought for European citizens and businesses through low-carbon emissions as part of the mission of ACER. Moreover, in the context of the Clean Energy Package, as proposed in 2019, ACER leads the way towards standardization of the operation of energy markets in Europe. It also addresses challenges posed by digitalization in the energy sector. As a consequence of its accomplishments, ACER contributes to the integration, competitiveness and sustainability of the European energy market, while benefiting consumers and aiding to achieve the EU’s broader energy and climate objectives.
What is more, ACER is liable for inspecting the market as indicated by the Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency (REMIT), ensuring fair and transparent markets through the prevention of market tampering and unauthorized trading. It also supports national regulators by providing guidance and resolving transnational conflicts, ensuring that energy markets function in a fair and transparent manner.
How is ACER organized
ACER is overall managed and represented by the Director. Responsible for ACER’s governance and all administrative and budgetary activities are the Administrative Board.
The Board of Regulators is responsible for the regulatory policy and all related activities while the Board of Appeal is responsible for dealing with complaints against ACER decisions.
ACER Departments:
- Corporate Services
- Electricity
- Gas
- Market Surveillance and Conduct
- Market Information and Transparency
ACER horizontal clusters:
- Brussels Liaison Office
- Legal Services
- Operational IT/Security
- Data Excellence.
For more information about ACER´s features, objectives and organizations can be found on its website https://www.acer.europa.eu/